Mark Steyn is eating crow served by his readers on his longstanding argument that bin Laden died in December 2001. Meanwhile, Beldar thinks bin Laden’s “leave us alone and we will leave you alone” theme is an effort to speak the language of appeasement: “I think it’s a very clear attempt to begin negotiations with a Kerry administration for a “cease-fire” in the Global War on Terror.” You don’t have to think that Kerry would accept such a proposal – as Beldar apparently does – to worry about the possibility that Kerry has succeeded in communicating to the rest of the world, which may have trouble grasping the nuances of his position, that he would do precisely that.
4 thoughts on “OK, He’s Not Dead”
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GOP strategists call this tape a “little gift” from Osama:
Now, according to anthropologists, a gift never comes for free, it has to be reciprocated. Wonder what Poppy must be thinking. After all, he was in the CIA when Osama was undergoing training to be a mujahadeen. I guess we’ll have to wait until after the election to find out.
GOP strategists call this tape a “little gift” from Osama:
Now, according to anthropologists, a gift never comes for free, it has to be reciprocated. Wonder what Poppy must be thinking. After all, he was in the CIA when Osama was undergoing training to be a mujahadeen. I guess we’ll have to wait until after the election to find out.
All of us who said Osama was dead are eating crow…except me. I’m not going to let facts get in the way of my opinion.
I am eating crow too, but….
Crow ain’t that bad. You just have to soak it in salt water for a few hours and marinate it overnight before you throw it in the crock pot.