There�s Always One

Reading this month�s ABA Journal, I came upon an annual rite of the holiday season as easy to predict as the Perils-Of-Trick-Or-Treating articles you see every Halloween or the Blinding-Of-Larry-Driscoll-type stories you read about fireworks every 4th of July. It could perhaps be classified as the Don�t-Get-Too-Drunk-At-Your-Law-Firm�s-Holiday-Party article. I had to laugh at this in particular anecdote:

It is fairly common knowledge in one law firm that a decade or so ago a young associate, at the urging of a partner, dropped his pants on the dance floor at a party in Washington, D.C. The associate survived and went on later to the Justice Department. But no one at the firm wants to confirm or talk about the incident.

I�m sure John Ashcroft would be proud.

One thought on “There�s Always One”

  1. But no one at the firm wants to confirm or talk about the incident.
    Betcha people at the Justice Department are talking about it.

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