Yes, according to New Jersey workmen’s compensation law, as construed by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, getting hurt while going out to dinner at your boss’ insistence is a work-related injury.
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Yes, according to New Jersey workmen’s compensation law, as construed by the Supreme Court of New Jersey, getting hurt while going out to dinner at your boss’ insistence is a work-related injury.
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In general, workers are not covered when traveling to or from the workplace. That’s called the going and coming rule. There are many exceptions.
This ruling is that the worker is covered when traveling between the eating site and the work site. If an employee were going from the workplace to a bona fide business dinner, she would be covered (I think). But, was this really a business dinner? I wouldn’t tihnk so, because there was no specific business purpose, unlike, say, a meeting with a client. Also the manager didn’t specify that they must eat nor where they had to eat nor who they had to eat with.
To me, this looks more like a manager telling workers they could take a break for a period of time. It was their choice of what to do with the time.