Strange Tales

Via Redstate, WorldNetDaily has this story:

A Kansas City abortionist is out of business after investigators discovered a grisly house of horrors at his clinic – with fetuses kept in Styrofoam cups in his refrigerator and one employee accusing him of microwaving one and stirring it into his lunch.

But is the story accurate? The Kansas City Star makes no reference to the more explosive allegations, and if I recall correctly, WorldNetDaily doesn’t seem like the kind of outfit I’d rely on if it’s alone in its reporting (in fact, that’s a good rule of thumb for any news organization). Count me skeptical for now.

5 thoughts on “Strange Tales”

  1. A doctor microwaved a fetus and stirred it into his lunch? I would like to believe that if this really did happen, the observing employee would have first thrown up, then called the cops in immediately. This would have been all over the national news media, liberal or otherwise.
    With such outrageous, unconfirmed allegations that have you skeptical and your reporting common sense on high alert, why spread this story any further? You only give credence to this nonsense. I’m dissapointed.

  2. Because the righties will take any opportunity to sensationalize abortion related topics at any cost. Even if this is true and it does seem wildly doubtable (if the NY Times did something of this nature such as, oh let’s see, anything to do with Bush, Terry Schiavo, Iraq, etc, there would be huge castigations of the liberal media trumpeting unsubstantiated stories, blah, blah) the story is about a random, singular whack-job. What profession was Jeffrey Dahmer? I don’t know the answer to it but does it put his profession in a damning light? Nuts and nuts and they come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and jobs.

  3. I’ll agree with the posters above, and suggest that in the future you not put up stories from the “source” WorldNetDaily. About as legit as the National Enquirer.

  4. That’s right, stick to the real Media. CBS and the NYTimes have all the news you need. Now where did I leave those memos???

  5. WorldNetDaily. Jesus Christ, are you really that stupid as to even for a second consider that something that appears there might be true? I mean, I know you’re dumb, but I never thought you were THAT dumb. Until now.

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