In Honor of “Talk Like A Pirate Day”

Ahoy! A few thoughts, mateys, from Captain Blood:

If a man conceal any treasure captured or fail to place it in the general fund, he shall be marooned. Set ashore on a deserted isle, and there left with a bottle of water, a loaf of bread and a pistol with one load. If a man shall be drunk on duty he shall recieve the same fate. And if a man shall molest a woman captive against her will… he, too, shall receive the same punishment.


Dr. Peter Blood: Nuttall, me lad, there’s just one other little thing. Do you think you could find me a good stout piece of timber? About so thick and so long?
Honesty Nuttall: Yes, I think so.
Dr. Peter Blood: Then do so and lash it to your spine – it needs stiffening. Courage! We’ll join you at midnight.


Crewman: [Captain Blood’s ship has just received a terrible broadside from the one remaining French warship] We’re sinking! What should we do?
Dr. Peter Blood: Do? We’ll board a ship that’s not sinking!

One thought on “In Honor of “Talk Like A Pirate Day””

  1. I love Captain Blood. So cool to see quotes from this movie (no one ever quotes from Captain Blood). Awesome

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