RCP looks at the gulf between Hillary’s strong position in the polls and her weakness among the lefty “netroots,” in large part driven by her stance on the war. In a lot of ways this mirrors John McCain, who is still polling OK but is almost friendless in the blogosphere. In McCain’s case that may be due in part to the fact that
1. Bloggers are independent writers about politics
2. McCain is identified as an enemy of independent speech about politics
and thus he may be disproportionately unpopular with bloggers. I think it’s at least partly the case that there will be some convergence in each camp, although the presence of Obama does create a serious threat to Hillary that no other candidate could have mounted.
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Party preference aside, my concern with the ’08 elections centers on the quality of the candidates. Is this the best we can do? There is not a high quality candidate on either side at this point. Let’s hope that a new batch come riding out of the sunset to save this election.