9 thoughts on “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Michael Gerson”

  1. Comment #1
    I think the point being made is that Gerson is putting himself out there as bravely, lonely fighting to be the compassionate one in the midst of the all the hateful ideologues in the W administration.
    Or at least I’m 99% sure that’s how it’ll be spun on the Daily Show.

  2. Gerson is putting himself out there as bravely, lonely fighting to be the compassionate one in the midst of the all the hateful ideologues in the W administration
    Yeah. And in typical 21st Century Republican style, Crank makes fun of him for this unmanly show of emotion.

  3. I think Mr. Gerson is drinking the kool-aid…just the wrong flavor. I am not sure what he is referring to when he says if the Republicans are mean and anti-government they will lose. There is nothing mean about being anti BIG government. If we are NOT anti big government we will lose and we will deserve it.

  4. I love that he was uncomfortable with the vulgarity. That is such a thing to say to the ladies.
    Being mean and anti-government has worked in the past and will work in the future. It just might not work in 2008. If the Dems win the WH in 08, mean and anti-government is the only way to win in 2012.
    Gerson is doing the old, “your friends are jerks, but you’re nice,” routine with his potential audience.
    Sucka be tryin to sell books.

  5. Mike – Gerson is setting up a morality play with himself as the good guy and conservatives as the bad guys, a storyline the media eats up. We’ve seen before where this leads – Andrew Sullivan, David Brock, Arianna Huffington, Kevin Phillips (who the media are still labeling as a “Republican strategist” when the man has done nothing but bash Republicans for three decades).
    I just prefer to get our cards on the table up front.

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