Media Shocked To Discover How Farming Works

In a perfect emblem of (1) how insular the media really is and (2) the national spotlight that will continue to focus on the Governor of Alaska wherever she goes, Sarah Palin did one of those typical silly ceremonies politicians across the country get asked to take part in, and went and pardoned a turkey in advance of Thanksgiving. But while the President has a turkey brought to him, Gov. Palin went to the turkey, handing down the pardon from a barnyard in Wasilla, then giving a news conference to reporters.
Why did this end up in the national news, including a sneering report on MSNBC? Well, the turkey farm went on with its usual business this time of year of slaughtering turkeys for Thanksgiving tables, and cameras caught a farm employee doing just that in the background while Gov. Palin talked to reporters:

The NY Daily News pronounced this a “shocking video” (you can catch the longer video of the whole pardon ceremony from the NY Post, although the Post’s video – via the Anchorage Daily News – has to keep panning away from Gov. Palin to follow the guy slaughtering turkeys).
Folks, this is how farming works: you raise animals, then you kill them and eat them. Here in New York City, we don’t get much exposure to the business end of that process, but people across the country who have farmed or hunted know that it’s part of life, and has been as long as human beings have been eating animals. It’s not a bad thing to have some people in public life who aren’t shocked by where our food comes from.

20 thoughts on “Media Shocked To Discover How Farming Works”

  1. Well put, Crank. I think many people would be surprised to learn that food does not originate at the grocery store.

  2. There are about 15 turkeys in my neighborhood that I’d like to introduce to that machine. They tore up a large section of my neighbor’s lawn, and I had to chase them off mine on occasion.

  3. It’s certainly no secret that Palin isn’t exactly a PETA member, in spite of the silly pardon tradition. So I don’t see much of an issue.

  4. Jerry: Agreed.
    Speaking of PETA, I’m sure they’ll find a way to complain about this, along with a follow-up on the shocking way that farmers treat plants.
    Hey by the way, why are the people at this farm working? Weren’t they subsidized not to by the last farm bill?

  5. Shocking is overstating and clearly a device to get viewers. Funny as hell would be an understatement. Seriously, that guy in the background is great. 3 minutes of pure entertainment and I couldn’t tell you a word she said.

  6. It’s hard for me to watch that clip without laughing, even though I know its evil of me to do so. It’s fine that she’s there, even if its an odd location to do an interview, I dont see it as another true talking point against her. That being said, she did authorize the brutal aerial shooting of wolves from helicopters where they arent killed instantly but bite at their wounds for a while and die eventually. That made a very effective ad against her during the campaign according to focus groups. It was put out by an independent group not obama, though I forget which one.

  7. “That being said, she did authorize the brutal aerial shooting of wolves from helicopters where they arent killed instantly but bite at their wounds for a while and die eventually. That made a very effective ad against her during the campaign according to focus groups. ”
    Really?? I didn’t think “Save the Wolves” would make a particularly effective battle-cry. I thought those ads were saved for “cute” animals like Pandas and seals.
    Did they pack those focus groups with Greenpeace members or what? That’s got to be pretty far down on most people’s list of national priorities.

  8. Jeez, I wasnt contending that McCain lost due to this ad, just that it resonated well with focus groups.

  9. Someone on another site has pointed out that this shot was framed with Palin way over to one side, assuring that the turkeys got equal billing. Just a careless slip-up on the photog’s part, I imagine.

  10. “Jeez, I wasnt contending that McCain lost due to this ad, just that it resonated well with focus groups.”
    Seth, I wasn’t attacking you, just surprised at the whole thing.

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  12. The guy in the background is more fit to be VP than her. To be fair to Palin, she’s slightly more fit to be VP than the turkeys.

  13. Actually, the pertinent part of the video is listening to her talk about Alaska, supposedly a topic about which she does not need to be briefed, and she is totally incoherent.

  14. The reason this video is newsworthy is that it looks like something out of The Onion. She is a very absurd woman who talks like a valley girl and has the intelligence of a handball, babbling on about “America is wonderful and free and we have freedom here blah blah blah” and in the background some guy is sticking turkeys into a machine right after she gave some other turkey a pardon. But to recap, she is a very absurd woman whose position as governor says a lot about the people of Alaska.

  15. Surprising anyone needs explain the comedic result os the juxtaposition of words and images, what with conservatives having the well-developed senses of humor we’ve been told about on this very blog.

  16. And yet, for all Palin’s failings in regard to her syntax and so on, she has actually accomplished matters of value while in office, something no-one on the other ticket has yet managed. She must have someone steering her, guiding every move she’s made. I hope the media come up with an explanation for this apparent paradox.

  17. Wow, how shocking. You mean, meat comes from animals? Golly! *snark*
    Sheesh, I’ve never actually seen this kinda stuff in action (and I admit I might get a bit queasy were I to witness it firsthand), but I know where my turkey, porkchop and chicken come from. Anyone surprised by this video borders on brain-dead.
    “has the intelligence of a handball”
    And how exactly do you know this? You don’t? You’re just making things up? Oh, what a shock. *snark*
    “But to recap, she is a very absurd woman whose position as governor says a lot about the people of Alaska.”
    Really? A statement like that says a lot about your (obvious) lack of character.
    “I hope the media come up with an explanation for this apparent paradox.”
    Oh, I’m sure they’ll try – and, by that, I mean I’m sure they’ll make something up and try to pass it off as fact.

  18. Dal,
    The way she takes money from oil companies and redistributes it to the people of Alaska leads me to believe Karl Marx is steering and guiding her. (Good for her!)
    That’s probably the reason Fox News (through their, ahem, “anonymous sources”) has been hammering her as of late. There’s no room for helping all citizens in the GOP platform.

  19. One might almost suspect Governor Palin is a secret admirer of Hugo Chavez, given her views on the redistribution of oil revenues.

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