How about GM of the Royals awarding himself a bonus from the luxury tax revenue?
zufall, you say that as if that’s not how it already works.
No kidding crank.
IMO, that’s the real parallel. People use resources they do not own to their own advantage an screw the rest.
If I was looking to defend the democrats by poo-pooing the piece, I should have said; The major difference is that MLB has been doing pretty well, profit-wise.
Perpetually crappy teams are perpetually crappy because they make poor decisions. GMs make crappy long-term decisions because they want to keep their jobs short-term.
Keep in mind, the genius executives that had this financial meltdown happen on their watch are not the talent that should be in charge.
Of course, I wasn’t looking to make a political statement. I am a registered democrat, but I don’t necessarily adopt every stance Obama and the rest come up with. If the economy turns around in the next 2 years, great. If not, plan B needs to be done. Nuff said.
How about GM of the Royals awarding himself a bonus from the luxury tax revenue?
zufall, you say that as if that’s not how it already works.
No kidding crank.
IMO, that’s the real parallel. People use resources they do not own to their own advantage an screw the rest.
If I was looking to defend the democrats by poo-pooing the piece, I should have said; The major difference is that MLB has been doing pretty well, profit-wise.
Perpetually crappy teams are perpetually crappy because they make poor decisions. GMs make crappy long-term decisions because they want to keep their jobs short-term.
Keep in mind, the genius executives that had this financial meltdown happen on their watch are not the talent that should be in charge.
Of course, I wasn’t looking to make a political statement. I am a registered democrat, but I don’t necessarily adopt every stance Obama and the rest come up with. If the economy turns around in the next 2 years, great. If not, plan B needs to be done. Nuff said.