The Politico’s John Harris neatly summarizes the seven building narratives about Obama that are hazardous to his political health. What Harris perhaps misses is the extent to which the narratives, even the apparently contradictory ones, form a seamless whole.
Meanwhile, Greg Sargent, the Washington Post’s in-house left-wing activist, argues that Harris is wrong because American exceptionalism and national security issues in general are passe. File that one under “by all means, keep telling yourselves that.”
9 thoughts on “Handy Summary”
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How long are we going to keep on hearing that these narratives are “building”? The narratives exist, because the President’s behavior over the past year has allowed them to build. These are not new insights by Harris (they may be new to the see-no-Obama-evil MSM, but certainly not to anyone who has a clue about what is going on in the real world).
There is no doubt that Pres. Obama is on a trajectory to be a one-term president. To be sure, much can happen in the next three years, but if the trajectory is to be changed, it will come from external events, not from anything that Pres. Obama himself will do.
O-Bama has no clue. He just loves to play at being President. I keep hopin’ for change!
BTW-Check out this blog responding to Michael Moore’s letter to O-Bama. The language is a little rough but the points are made.
Perhaps in the Red State/New Ledger/Faux News echo chamber, but meanwhile back in the real world, . . .
Since my post went into the black hole of being moderated, I’ll try again.
In the echo chamber of Red State, New Ledger, Faux News and their ilk, fools believe this gibberish.
Meanwhile, in the real world, people understand these rants for what they are:
American exceptionalism. What a joke!
What’s exceptional about America? That we’re the only industrialized nation that isn’t smart enough to figure out how to provide healthcare to all it’s citizens?
Once Americans figure out (they’ll have to do it on their own, the corporate MSM certainly won’t help) we’re a 3rd rate country that can’t assist in the general welfare of it’s citizens, nobody will be able to speak the phrase with a straight face.
You really are a piece of work!
Thanks. I figured this li’l site could use some naked truth every now and then.
Berto – just wondering. Can you think of any area of expenditure in which places like France, Germany, and Japan have saved money over the last 65 years, that might have enabled them to fund more healthcare than the US has?
I’m far from a Republican hardliner, and don’t seek to see the US dominate the world. But American Exceptionalism is a position the US found itself in, and involves both what the US has sought, and what has been demanded of it.
Yes. Empire building.