NRO: In Evaluating Credibility, the Signs Point in Brett Kavanaugh’s Favor
Category: Law 2009-18
Constitutional Originalism Requires Birthright Citizenship
Democratic Desperation on Kavanaugh is Showing
Judge Kavanaugh on Lying To Federal Agents
Judge Kavanaugh on Battered Women
Revenge for Merrick Garland?
Brett Kavanaugh Should Get a Vote Before the Midterm Elections
Kavanaugh Reaction
I’m quoted in this CBS News commentary by Michael Graham:
“Brett Kavanaugh is basically John Roberts 2.0, a product of the Bush Administration and the conservative legal elite,” says Dan McLaughlin of the conservative “National Review.”
“He’s not the most populist choice, or the most politically provocative. But he’s a serious movement conservative, brilliant, universally well-liked, experienced, and independent-minded, and a devoted critic of the administrative state.”
“If you’re a Federalist Society conservative who wants to win the long-term arguments about how law is made, Brett Kavanaugh is a great choice,” McLaughlin said.
and this Caleb Howe piece from before the choice (I guessed wrong, predicting Judge Raymond Kethledge) – my preferred picks:
“Amy Coney Barrett and Am[u]l Thapar. Trump dipped into the traditional elite Beltway movement conservative high priesthood for Gorsuch, to great effect, and its candidates (Kavanaugh and Kethledge) are highly qualified and solidly conservative. But this time, he needs more than just another smart white man in a dark suit. Barrett and Thapar are DC outsider picks but both brilliant and highly conservative, Thapar as a veteran trial judge, Barrett as a distinguished academic. Barrett would provoke the most outlandish response, and be the best choice for energizing Republicans heading into the midterms.”
Early Thoughts on The Supreme Court and the Midterms
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NRO: Repeal The Logan Act
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Trump & Comey Pod
Over at NRO, I’m on a podcast with David French (recorded Friday) talking Trump and Comey.
Comey Wasn’t Investigating Trump – But Look Who Said He Was
Jim Comey Backs Up Trump’s Story, But It’s Not All Good News for Trump
Supreme Court Strikes Down Majority-Minority Districts for Being Majority-Minority
Here’s How Congress Can Fix the Way We Investigate Presidents
In Hate-Crime Prosecutions, Thoughts Shouldn’t Matter
Republicans Should Want The Russia 2016 Story Out In The Open
Will Slow Staffing Cause Trump and Sessions to Side with Obama against the Little Sisters of the Poor?
Gorsuch Opponents Fall Back on the Last Refuge of Scoundrels
Chuck Schumer’s Made-Up 60-Vote Standard
No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI
It Doesn’t Matter That Garland Didn’t Get a Hearing
The Garland Precedent Should Not Stop Gorsuch
Trump and the Emoluments Clause
My latest NR magazine piece: Foreign Entanglements, on Trump and the Constitution’s Foreign Emoluments Clause.
There’s No Republican Crackdown on Peaceful Protests
Following Up On The Foreign Emoluments Clause and Gerrymandering
Why The Ninth Circuit Ruled Against Trump’s Refugee Order
POLITCS/The Threat to the Integrity of an Independent Judiciary
Judge Robart: Not A Republican Judge
At NRO: Judge Robart: Not A Republican Judge.
Trump vs Judge Robart: What Happened?
At NRO: Trump vs Judge Robart: What Happened?