This NY Times story

This NY Times story is awfully tendentious. The headline “Daschle Denounces Bush Remarks on Iraq as Partisan” implies that Daschle’s complaints are about Bush’s comments on Iraq. Contrast CNN:
“But Bush’s comments of late about Senate Democrats and national security have come in the context of the fight over legislation for the proposed Department of Homeland Security . The Bush comment about the Senate not being “interested” in national security came at a campaign event Monday in New Jersey when the president was talking about the legislation — not Iraq.”
The egregious bias in the Times piece is to toss in the Bob Dole remark about ‘Democrat wars,’ which is only relevant if you are trying to say that Republicans and only Republicans politicize war. The Democrats would never do that – never, oh, say, run a TV commercial with a mushroom cloud to suggest that the GOP Presidential nominee would drag us into nuclear war.