
Looks like the truth is seeping in after all. The three main articles on the New York Times editorial page today – and the three most e-mailed by readers – are columns by Tom Friedman and Maureen Dowd and an op-ed by Salman Rushdie, all denouncing in uncompromising terms the evils of radical islamism and its Saudi benefactors. Dowd’s is somewhat incoherent as usual, but if she sticks to her theme and does at least one Saudi-bashing column a week (a la Michael Ledeen’s drumbeat on Iran), she’ll be doing the nation a valuable service.
The Islamic world today is being held prisoner, not by Western but by Islamic captors, who are fighting to keep closed a world that a badly outnumbered few are trying to open. As long as the majority remains silent, this will be a tough war to win. But in the end, or so we must hope, someone will kick down that prison door.
Over to you, George.