Veterans Committee Vote

So it looks like the new Veterans Committee wants to wait until Marvin Miller is dead to enshrine him (he’s 86 and they won’t vote on him again for 4 years). I’m no fan of Miller but he does deserve enshrinement, as does Ron Santo.
Click here, meanwhile (and scroll up from the comments), to see an exceptionally thorough attack on your truly by the volatile and always interesting Don Malcolm, on the subject of Dick Allen’s Hall of Fame case (I’m still on the fence on that one — I’ve said my piece against Allen from conclusions I reached while researching my attempt to support his candidacy, but Malcolm has his points too, albeit stated in his usually over-the-top fashion, like comparing me to Al Qaeda (hint: Don, don’t use the comparison on a guy who Al Qaeda tried to kill; just don’t go there). You can go here to the Malcolm post that started it all, and here to my Projo column on the subject.