Alfonse D’Chirac

If you think about it, Jacques Chirac and Gerhard Schroeder are the Al D’Amato and Gray Davis of Europe. Chirac, like D’Amato, is a machine politician who’s gotten away with being a little bit cheesy and a little bit sleazy by dint of boatloads of chutzpah and a talent for finding opponents who self-destruct in divisive battles with extremists and third-party candidates.
Schroeder, like Davis, is a hack with no redeeming virtues, neither liked nor respected even by his supporters; like Davis, his main skills are demonizing foreign opponents (Bush, Enron) and lying about the budget.
Anyway, Pave France has a hilarious take on Chirac’s latest excellent adventure.
(Link via Samizdata)

One thought on “Alfonse D’Chirac”

  1. Early-summer harvest

    A few choice bits of text found this evening, for your dancing and dining pleasure. The Baseball Crank has figured

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