Steyn on Niger

You know Mark Steyn’s got a good one when different excerpts are quoted on every site linking to him. This column on Niger is a good one; this passage cracked me up:
Who knows what really happened in Africa? Maybe the CIA guy in Niamey (assuming they have one) filed a report on uranium in Niger and back at head office the assistant deputy paper-shuffler looked at it upside-down and said, �There�s something here about Saddam getting nigerium from Uranus,� and the deputy assistant paper shuffler said, �Jeez, we need to go into full ass-covering mode.� Either way, you could ask a million folks and never find one whose view on the war was determined by anything to do with Niger, which, insofar as anybody�s ever heard of it, is mostly assumed to be either an abbreviation of Nigeria or a breakaway republic thereof, leaving the rump statelet of Ia to go it alone.