Clark Not Turning Into Superman

Jeff Quinton, the Backcountry Conservative, has a roundup of links to an assortment of attacks on Wesley Clark from the Right, the Left, and sources in between (especially his record in Kosovo, which after all is his sole claim to fame), although I’m not sure I would grant a lot of credence to far-Left sites like I guess this is a sign that people are starting to think seriously about Clark as a presidential candidate riding to rescue the Democrats from Howard Dean.

2 thoughts on “Clark Not Turning Into Superman”

  1. Clark and Kosovo

    Rich Lowry discusses Wesley Clark’s mishandling of the Kosovo campaign. Liberal sources have more on Clark in Kosovo. One military officer reportedly said that Clark is the “poster child for everything that is wrong with the GO (general officer) corps….

  2. The Perfumed Prince Report

    “The Ultimate Perfumed Prince” was a nickname reportedly given to General Wesley Clark by those serving under him. David Hackworth first picked up on it during the Kosovo conflict. This first edition of the Perfumed Prince Report (which will…

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