
I noticed last week that The New Republic’s website was running banner ads in its righthand column for “Shattered Glass,” the new movie about Stephen Glass, the reporter who used TNR’s pages to perpetrate a journalistic fraud as notorious, in its day, as Jayson Blair’s. Presumably — unless I’m missing something — those ads were paid for by the studio. I know it’s been years now — Glass is gone and his editor, Michael Kelly, is dead — but shouldn’t TNR be ashamed to get advertising revenue from a fraud on its readers?
(Blair’s fraud, by the way, has now inspired episodes this season of at least two of the “Law & Order” serieses – dramatic overkill, anyone? Doesn’t Dick Wolf have the power to let one L&O know from which headlines the other is ripping?)
UPDATE: Howard Kurtz noticed the same thing but doesn’t seem to think it’s an issue if TNR isn’t embarrassed by references to the scandal.