Noooo! It Can’t Be!

Well, you know I’m a sucker for those internet quizzes. I even took the one that sentenced me to eternal damnation. But this just goes too far:

I think I got this because my answers showed that (1) like most bloggers, I value fame and attention more than money; (2) I’m chronically disorganized; and (3) I tend to avoid unnecessary personal conflicts (life’s too short to get bent out of shape about such things). That said, I think there are some personality traits they are missing . . .
Then again, I couldn’t resist the irony of this disclaimer:
Keep in mind, your results are dependent on the accurate truth of your responses.

4 thoughts on “Noooo! It Can’t Be!”

  1. I was listed as an Abe Lincoln � apparently I�m a �mild mannered assassination victim� with a �peaceful nature�good at mediating disputes with the exception of the occasional bloody civil war.�
    Given the results you two got, I�ll take it�

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