American Justice

So, I had to report for jury duty yesterday in state Supreme Court; didn’t get put on a panel, but sat in the back for the voir dire of prospective jurors for a criminal case. One juror – I won’t mention any identifying information about him – was asked the following questions and gave the following answers (this is a rough approximation, of course):

Q: Have you ever been a victim of a violent crime, charged with any crime or involved in any way with the criminal justice system?
A: Yes. I was a victim of an attempted carjacking.
Q: How was it stopped – did you fight off the attacker yourself?
A: Yes. I’ve been trained in the martial arts. [At this point, I and the other jurors are deeply impressed]
Q: Were you satisfied with how the justice system handled the case?
A: No. They said that because I continued hitting him after he dropped his weapon, they couldn’t press charges. He actually brought charges against me, and there was a civil suit, and it was resolved by both sides dropping all charges.

You just gotta love our legal system sometimes. You can’t make this stuff up.