
The SciFi Channel reports on bonus footage that will be included in the DVD version of Return of the King:

Among the excised scenes: a humorous bit between Gimli (John Rhys-Davies) and Legolas (Orlando Bloom) having a drinking competition. “I really quite liked [it],” Jackson said. “But we felt [it was too comedic] at a point when we wanted to set up the tension of the story. And there’s a sequence of Sam [Sean Astin] and Frodo [Elijah Wood] disguised as orcs, where they end up in the orc army for a while.”

Personally, I’ll be very disappointed if even the DVD version doesn’t have the scene with the Mouth of Sauron. I think I had read somewhere that the parley with Saruman was also filmed, but maybe not; that would make a good scene.

One thought on “Bonus”

  1. I think Denethor, the Steward of Gondor, got pretty short shrift as well. (Jonah Goldberg complained that he looked too Nixonian.) The book had more background about WHY exactly he was a raving paranoid. I�d be surprised if that�s not added back in�

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