A Meme Goes Under

Well, I’ve certainly kicked the beehive with the last few days’ posts on the AWOL stuff, but it looks like Bush’s critics, having made a mountain out of something that scarcely amounted to a molehill, are mostly looking for a graceful exit. Josh Marshall is consoling himself with the thought that Bush was pretty immature as a young man. (This is news?) Kevin Drum is preparing to concede defeat and even making light of the story, as if he was an innocent bystander. Honestly, I generally enjoy Kevin’s site; maybe this explains it all. Hopefully he’ll regain the even temper that had made him one of the few left-side bloggers who’s genuinely consistently worth reading.
On TV tonight, Bill Maher was busy convincing himself that he’s right to hate Bush; Maher simply ceased to be interesting after he became a bitter lefty following the backlash against his comments after September 11. And Charles Rangel was on NY1 . . . I swear I am not making this up . . . arguing that Bush shouldn’t have worn the flight suit on the aircraft carrier because after missing his flight physical in 1973, he was no longer a licensed pilot.
Meanwhile, Chris Lawrence has expanded on something he wrote in my comments section, explaining why reports from the Memphis Flyer can’t really be trusted.

4 thoughts on “A Meme Goes Under”


    Every Friday, Kevin Drum puts up one post dedicated to catblogging. This Friday is no different. I usually don’t link to Kevin’s catblogging, but I did fear that this weekly feature would go on hiatus given the fact that just…


    Every Friday, Kevin Drum puts up one post dedicated to catblogging. This Friday is no different. I usually don’t link to Kevin’s catblogging, but I did fear that this weekly feature would go on hiatus given the fact that just…

  3. Good Luck, Mr Gorsky

    Despite his hide-the-ball routine on what constitutes sufficient evidence to prove that the President fulfilled his obligation to the Texas Air National Guard (Baseball Crank makes the point nicely), I’ve always liked Kevin Drum’s Calpundit, as an hon…

  4. Well, kevin has ruined his reputation for fairness on the centre and right sides of the blogo-spectrum. He is well on his way to attracting the same clientele from Democratic underground.

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