Clarke 4/2/04

OpinionJournal carries just a devastating review of Richard Clarke’s book. Also, I noted yesterday allegations from the Left, amplified (as always) by Paul Krugman, of a smear job aimed at Clarke’s personal life (see also here), but in fairness, I should note that the unsourced rumors involved give us, frankly, no evidence at all to tie them to anybody in the Bush camp, and nearly everything I’ve seen on this comes from the lefties (although Wonkette does seem to think that Laura Ingraham has been implying the same thing). I still think it’s wrong if it’s being done – but let’s not be too quick to indulge the assumption that whatever Wolf Blitzer says is the gospel truth.
(On a side note, it still cracks me up that Blitzer is seen by the lefties as some sort of right-wing secret agent. Talk about paranoid).