Fortunately, it looks like Justice Souter is OK after being mugged last night. Of course, there’s an old saying that a conservative is a liberal who’s been mugged . . . but that would be too much to ask for. Ideological carping aside, it’s good to see he wasn’t seriously injured.
4 thoughts on “Mugged”
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Wasn’t Souter a Bush I appointee? Maybe I just missed the joke.
Souter was a Bush the Elder appointment. He’s yet another SC nominee who turned out far differently than was anticipated.
Too bad they didn’t rough him up more. I wouldn’t wish death on him of course, but a good harsh beating requiring say, a week in the hospital, would have been fine.
I think he got off easy.
Correct he was nominated by George H.W. Bush. His type of unknown justice is the end result of the Bork-ing of any nominee with conservative leanings. The left can demand that a nominee support killing little kids but a Republican president better not even ask the justice if he has read and agrees with the U.S. Constitution.
Tom – Well, I’d like to see Souter have a change of heart as much as anybody, but c’mon.