Opening Night

Very little time to blog this morning, so just my gut reactions to what I saw of the Democrats last night: strong speech by Bill Clinton, as you would expect; there were a few howlers along the way as he and Hillary blamed Bush for various things Clinton did nothing about, but so be it. At least he had the decency to admit, when making a point about Kerry’s Vietnam service, that he didn’t go either. (Clinton’s efforts to make Kerry sound like a point man in the Senate were fairly tepid; even Clinton needs more to work with than Kerry’s Senate record) . . . funny how Hillary is suddenly known principally as a voice for expanding the military . . . Hillary’s Chicago accent seemed to be more in evidence than usual . . . I thought it odd that neither of the Clinton’s referred to the other as “my husband”/”my wife” . . . didn’t see Gore, but Jimmy Carter’s speech seemed very typically Jimmy Carterish, full of despair and blaming America and Israel for all the world’s ills; Carter also sounds as if he has some sort of speech impediment, which isn’t really all that unusual given his age.