Links 7/29/04

*Nothing to fear but George W. Bush? (By the way, I haven’t heard every speaker yet, but . . . has anyone heard the name “Saddam Hussein” mentioned?)
*Ken Layne on Clinton and the Democrats:

In four days of stupid, patronizing speeches at the 2000 Democratic convention, there was exactly one flash of “Whoa, what the hell?” That was Clinton’s speech. I remember briefly feeling human, like I wasn’t being talked down to like a common retard. Even Tim Blair shut up and actually admitted to a little bit of admiration for Big Bill’s skills.

*Bill Gates’ mug shot! (Via Bill Simmons)
*Defamer had an amusing graphic comparing Catwoman’s opening box office to other cat movies. The real lesson: please, no more cat movies.
*Help a blogger find his son’s killer(s).
*Stuart Buck has some more fun with Bush conspiracy theories.

2 thoughts on “Links 7/29/04”

  1. Saddam Hussein has been captured, Osama Bin Laden has not.
    In what context would have liked either name to have been mentioned during the DNC.
    “Yeah, we have Saddam Hussein, no need to worry about our prospects in Iraq any more!”
    “Bully for Dubya! He captured Saddam! Why should we ever consider changing leadership!”
    I mean seriously, you guys are miffed that Saddam Hussein’s name wasn’t mentioned during the DNC?
    Are you that enfatuated with him?
    1) He’s been captured.
    2) He wasn’t linked to 9/11.
    3) He apparently hadn’t reconstituted his WMD programs.
    You should be happy his name wasn’t mentioned.

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