Debate Fables

Well, we know John Kerry wasn’t at the Republican Convention in August (I was), but he shouldn’t have claimed that the subways weren’t running for the convention without checking with someone who was.
But what about some of Kerry’s other claims? Lileks covers Kerry’s claim that we should have used more allied troops in Iraq. Smash covers Kerry’s claim that we should have used fewer allied troops in Afghanistan. And this National Review analysis debunks Kerry’s claims about body armor.

4 thoughts on “Debate Fables”

  1. Crank, I also saw that Smash discussed the Kerry’s remark on using fewer “local warlords”…
    …which I guess you could stretch to be synonomous with using fewer “allied troops”.
    I know, I know, not an outright lie….but certainly misleading to those who don’t go to the link or who those who didn’t recall Kerry’s statements regarding the matter in the debate.
    Very easy to come away from that post thinking that Kerry is such a flip flopper that he would rather we use a smaller coalition of allies while at the same time calling for a larger coalition of allies.

  2. Both Bush & Kerry made some characterizations that could, arguably, be quibbled with – as is always the case in politics. But none of Bush’s major premises or attacks were as obviously false as Kerry’s claims about the subway system or as detatched from reality as Kerry’s overriding theme about the feasibility of bringing more allies to Iraq.
    Frankly, the Bush-as-liar stuff never impresses me – it almost always turns out that the statement itself is far closer to the truth than the attacks leveled against it, unless it’s something like budget figures that tend, as a class, to be malleble.

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