Quiet Period

I’ve been utterly swamped at work lately, and I’ll be unable to get to the blog between now and next Monday evening (the 17th) at the earliest, so things should be quiet around here for a few days. Unfortunately, I’m back to basically a one-man band again now that the Mad Hibernian has finished school and started a job where he’s not comfortable being heard from online (I keep telling him he can stick to baseball if he wants, but the greater blog itch is hard to scratch).
I’ve been pretty quiet on the politics front myself since the post-election rush wore off, partly due to time pressures, partly because there’s been so much baseball news, and partly for some of the same reasons as Gerry Daly cites in explaining why he was on hiatus so long:

I found that there was little that was coming into my head to comment on, that I was not finding commented on elsewhere in a manner that I found sufficient. In other words, I was not finding much that I could bring to the table that was not being brought elsewhere. If I am going to spend time blogging, I want to be providing added value to the blogosphere, rather than simply taking advantage of whatever credibility I earned during the election run-up. For the pew months, I did not feel confident that I was in a position to do so.

There’s no way I can top Tom Maguire’s coverage of Social Security, for example. (Welcome back Gerry, by the way; now if we can get Avkash to come back – his site is now so dominated by nothing but spam comments it’s getting blocked by my filter at work)
Anyway, if you’re dropping by while I’m out and you’re not a long-time reader, check out the columns and “Greatest Hits” linked along the side, wander through the archives, or just hit the blogroll and come back after the 17th.

One thought on “Quiet Period”

  1. You don’t get it-people don’t blog (or comment on blogs!) because they have something to say. They write because they like the sound of their own, uh, typing.

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