Going Off The Fritz

Opinion Journal’s Political Diary, which is a daily must-read and worth the price, had some hilarious quotes from outgoing and often outrageous South Carolina Democrat Fritz Hollings:

In his farewell address last month, he mourned that the Senate was a duller place than when he first came in 1966. “There’s nobody drunk here today,” he drawled. He also complained that too many Senators were afraid to speak candidly now, and the country was the worse for it.
He also took on the media. An ardent trade protectionist, he bristled when ABC News Correspondent Sam Donaldson questioned him once on live television about what country’s tailors had made the suit he was wearing. The Senator snapped back: “Sam, if you want to personalize it, I got it right down the street from where you got your wig.” Mr. Donaldson later that nothing he’d heard from a politician before had left him quite so speechless.