“Low-Hanging Fruit”

Howard Dean, in a debate with Richard Pearle:

Dean also said the Bush administration has ignored the mounting threat in Iran and North Korea. “We picked the low hanging fruit in Iraq and did nothing” about the other, more dangerous regimes, he said.

So, now Dean’s complaint about the Iraq War is that it was . . . too easy?
Also, so much for Dean taking a role as a quiet functionary.

5 thoughts on ““Low-Hanging Fruit””

  1. In fairness, he *tried* to keep it quiet by announcing a media blackout. After the incredibly predictable–and fully justified–torrent of ridicule which that asinine attempt provoked, he backed down, but it’s not fair to say that he isn’t trying at all to keep his shoe-chewing exhibitions out of the public eye.

  2. It’s not like there’s anything objectionable about Dean speaking out on issues, it’s just that he sold himself to the Dems on the theory that he wasn’t going to stick his own well-known views on the issues front and center, and holding a debate with a guy like Pearle isn’t really the way to stay quiet.

  3. So the story here is not a nuclear threat from NK, but how Howard Dean isn’t being as quiet as he said he would? Always important to get your priorities right.

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