New Toy

Still having fun with some of the new toys at David Pinto’s site – can it really be true that Ichiro is batting .509 on the road since the All-Star Break last season?
UPDATE: Here’s another: visiting players of the 1980s with the best slugging percentages at Shea.
Same for the 1990s (no surprise to see Chipper and Brian Jordan near the top of that list).
Same for 2000-04.
You can run the same search for your favorite team (here’s the all-time list for Coors Field, which is less dramatic than I’d expected).
Or, one last eye-opener: the feared 1975-79 Red Sox offense, on the road.
I should add the disclaimer here: The information used here was obtained free of charge from and is copyrighted by Retrosheet. Interested parties may contact Retrosheet at 20 Sunset Rd., Newark, DE 19711.

3 thoughts on “New Toy”

  1. The 1977 Boston Red Sox

    The Baseball Crank has an interesting link today to Baseball Musings’ totally awesome comparison tool, which he uses to look at the late 70s Red Sox. I mention this because it’s interesting to me, and because that’s a topic I’ve addressed before.

  2. For those of you into baseball the web site referred to here is pretty amazing. I mean you can REALLY geek out on stats. I blew most of an afternoon recently typing in dates and home/away stuff. Very cool

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