Quick Links 4/13/05

I’ve still got little or no time to read, let alone write (I’ve got a big brief to the Second Circuit due April 22, and between that and other stuff it will be crazy until then). But a few quick links collected in recent weeks, before they get totally out of date:
*Go check out Vodkapundit for color photos of World War I.
*Ann Althouse has some important background on CNN prosecutor Nancy Grace.
*This Instapundit post is a good place to start on the scandals brewing in Canada. Captain Ed has been all over this.
*The Soviets once had a false alert that could have launched a full-out nuclear war (via Studes).
*Speaking of Studes, his previous column had a funny excerpt from the Daily Show on Barry Bonds.
*Until he died, I didn’t know that Barney Martin, who played Morty Seinfeld, had “served as a navigator in the Air Force during World War II before starting a 20-year career as a New York City police detective.”
*I like Byung-Hyun Kim and all, but the guys has a 6.30 career ERA at Coors Field, mostly compiled in his Arizona heyday. In other words, even if he gets his act back together, don’t expect this to end well.
*I begin to suspect Derek Zumsteg has too much time on his hands when he has time to come up with 26 different reasons to suspect Mariner Moose is not actually a moose at all, and many of them aren’t even funny, they’re just things like “Antlers are not wide, large, or heavy enough.”
*The fact that Seymour Hersh says something does not make it even slightly more likely that it is true. (via Instapundit)
*More bad guys bite the dust

3 thoughts on “Quick Links 4/13/05”

  1. Regarding the Soviet full-out nuclear war post:
    The Soviet story is strikingly similar to the movie WarGames with Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy which came out in 1983. Which is the same year we are told this event happened in the Soviet Union. Just seems weird to be hearing about this now. I don’t think there is anything sinister here, I have no other purpose than to just highlight that strange coincidence.

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