Dumb Things Joe Morgan Says, Part…

…well, I lost count. The guy amazes me sometimes; it’s like if Larry Bird became a broadcaster and we discovered that the guy had no clue about how you win basketball games, or if it turned out that Bill Clinton didn’t know anything about politics.
Anyway, today’s gem was a bit of historical ignorance. John Miller was discussing headfirst slides – mainly in the context of guys going headfirst into first base – and Joe was contributing some sort useful color, discussing his own preference until late career for sliding feet first, and how great base thieves like Lou Brock and Maury Wills always went feet first. Then Joe declares that the guy who popularized the headfirst slide was Omar Moreno.
Now, OK, maybe Moreno was the first big time base thief to go mostly headfirst, I don’t remember. But most of us would consider it faintly ridiculous to discuss who made headfirst slides more popular without mentioning the man who was synonymous for decades with the headfirst slide, who indeed made it his signature: Pete Rose, of course. How could Morgan, who played side by side with Rose for seven seasons in the prime of their careers, have possibly forgotten Rose? It boggles the mind.

4 thoughts on “Dumb Things Joe Morgan Says, Part…”

  1. I actually did laugh out loud. Morgan is not the biggest clown in baseball announcing, but he takes up some room when they all pile in the VW

  2. Didn’t hear it so I don’t know the exact context, but the only generous way to give him the benefit of the doubt is to assume that he was discussing sliding while stealing bases. He’s not a Rose basher, a-la Johnny Bench, so it’s not as if he’s intentionally trying to snub Rose. I dunno.
    My favorite dumb Morgan comment came from the playoffs a few years back when the Braves were the dominant NL team and they’d just swept the Cincinnatti Reds (the team Morgan’s synonymous with) in convincing fashion. Morgan’s closing line: “I still think the Reds are the better team”.
    Again, they were SWEPT.

  3. Hey, lay off Joe. Remember he was a Cincinnati Red! and played along with Rose. That says it all.

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