3 thoughts on “Attribution”

  1. If I’m not mistaken, that’s the second time you’ve been quoted on Instapundit without a link (the “Havel for Sec. Gen.” was you, no?). You should protest until you get the traffic that is rightfully yours!

  2. Jon Stewart (hear me out) had a great bit on Thursday’s Daily Show about politicians using Hitler/Nazi analogies, and he nailed both sides (including Durbin, Byrd, Castro, Santorum and Buchanan) . Among the great bits were: “I object to equating the fillibuster with the Holocaust. My grandfather survived the fillibuster. And he still won’t stop talking about it.” and “Stop comparing your opponent to Hitler. It demeans you, it demeans your opponent, and frankly, IT DEMEANS HITLER. That guy worked for years to become that evil. ” Interestingly, he said the start of it all was anti-war protesters around the world who compared Bush to Hitler.

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