To Be Blunt

Roy Blunt seems to have missed the memo about not ticking off Dale Franks. Tell us how you really feel, Dale:

I’ll make a deal with Rep. Blunt. How’s this sound? I’ll go ahead and write whatever the hell I want to write. In return, if Rep. Blunt doesn’t like it, then he can cry me a river. I think that sounds fair. Somehow, I managed to get along fine for the first 41 years of my life without talking to Roy Blunt, and things turned out OK. I’m not a Washington journalist. My livelihood doesn’t depend on having access to powerful DC insiders. So, I think I’ll be fine if I never talk to him again.
Indeed, I would prefer it.

Read the whole thing; it’s priceless, and yes, it really does take me back to what the House was like in the early 90s. Blunt may well be a great Majority Whip – nose-counting and arm-twisting are useful skills, and someone in the leadership needs to have them – but I’m not optimistic about November if Blunt winds up as the face of the House GOP.

5 thoughts on “To Be Blunt”

  1. Thanks for pointing out that column. It demonstrates everything that’s great about blogs. And this is no partisan speaking — there’s plenty of hypocrisy and hubris to point on the Dem’s side as well. And bloggers are perfectly suited to do just that.

  2. “And this is no partisan speaking — there’s plenty of hypocrisy and hubris to point on the Dem’s side as well.”
    *gasp* no, really?
    Well at least there’s no incompetent Presidents who get their country into a ‘war-that-can-never-be-won’ on the Dem’s side.
    Hypocrisy and hubris on the left? – certainly.
    Anti-intellectuals, caterers to the Chrsitan-right, paper tigers when it comes to Tora Bora – never.

  3. “Well at least there’s no incompetent Presidents who get their country into a ‘war-that-can-never-be-won’ on the Dem’s side.”
    What about JFK and Johnson? They were the last two Dim Presidents who at least attempted to do what was right. Since then you have Carter and Clinton to be proud of. One whoose claim to fame is that he now helps build houses for the poor and the other who will be remembered for spilling his load on the front of a girls dress who wasn’t much older than his own daughter.
    Back to Blunt, as a resident of Missouri it would be nice to have the House majority leader from our state, but as a Conservative, he is not the man to lead the Republicans.

  4. TFD probably thinks Nixon got us into Vietnam.
    No anti-intellectuals on the left? Ever set eyes on the Dems’ economic policies? Or their views on standardized testing? Or the Left’s view of genetically modified crops, nuclear power, junk science in tort law . . . I don’t even begin to have space here to deal with all the examples of lefties disregarding law, economics, science, and history in pursuit of emotionally-driven demagoguery.

  5. I’d say economic and racial policy is probably the biggest area of hypocrisy for the Dems.
    Economics, for example, when a local pol says he’s all about jobs that pay decent wages but what he really means is he’s all about jobs that pay decent wages to poor slobs that hold signs for them in the most recent election.
    Racial, for example, when they stand by antiquated systems of affirmative action simply because they know it’s always a good applause line with certain constituencies.

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