8 thoughts on “Not There. Not There, Ever.”

  1. whatever happened to just ignoring idiot wacknuts? why do we get worked up over fringe morons? I don’t see the KKK getting tons of press coverage for their wacknuttery. why bother validating these guys? Just ignore them. Just like they need to ignore cartoons they don’t like that much.

  2. Is that a real picture? I see an extra pair of legs, no? There’s certainly a lot of lunacy eminating from the Muslim world regarding a cartoon of all things – much of it has been encouraged by corrupt regimes looking to solidify their power. Lets not make it worse.

  3. Agree with both posters. I wouldn’t complain if a skyscraper (or two) fell on these two jackasses, but let’s not get ourselves too worked up over it.
    Surely none of us wants to see an ordinance preventing assembly at Ground Zero based on creed or religion?
    For my money, by the way, we as New Yorkers (and Americans) need to stop worshipping a hole in the ground and put up some damn buildings! ASAP.

  4. It’s not the moonbattery that bothers me so much as the location.
    Mike, I agree – we need to get building. Not that I’d be in any rush to volunteer to go work there again. I’ve had enough of landmark office buildings for one lifetime.

  5. Yeah, I think we all have to face reality and acknowledge that whatever goes back up won’t be 110 stories. If only because no one in his right mind would sign the lease for that 102nd floor office. Sheesh.
    But that hideous hole, wrapped in Pataki’s and Bloomberg’s and Liebkind’s and Silverman’s red tape (not to mention the widows of the victims, with whom I sympathize, but they can’t hijack a city with their grief) is a scar on our city, our country and out psyche.
    We’ve mourned enough. Let’s build!

  6. Crank – You didn’t address whether that is a real picture. I don’t think it is. Not only is there an extra set of legs, the protesters seem a little too cozy and comfortable to be pulling that off in downtown Manhatten. If it is not real, I think you should take it down.

  7. The picture is absolutely real. I walked by them last week. From the angle of the picture you can’t see the counterprotesters, who outnumbered them. When I walked by (while getting lunch – I work at the World Financial Center) there was quite a few people surrounding them, giving them the abuse they deserve. There were also three cops there trying to keep everyone seperated.

  8. Thanks me. It just seemed like the kind of thing I would have seen elsewhere, and I couldn’t find any mention of it on the web anywhere. But if you say its true..great. I certainly can’t prove otherwise.

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