3 thoughts on “That Crafty Devil Bush At It Again”

  1. You know, something has to be done. At least this President has a plan. Everyone else seems to want to stick their head in the sand and hope this problem goes away by itself. The only other credible solution I have seen was a part of the Fair Tax proposals. This would have funded Social Security and Medicare out of the same national sales tax that ran the government. SS will be going broke in the same time frame that I will be retiring, depending on which date you believe. I would just as soon have that extra to add to my retirement.

  2. Actually, you’re wrong in the first sentence. Nothing “has to be done”. The doom of Social Security is the snake oil that the right has been trying to peddle for 70 years. There’s plenty of money to fund it for decades.
    SS won’t be “going broke” in my lifetime or yours.

  3. Rick, maybe you don’t consider paying out more than the plan is taking in a problem, but that is the reality. That doesn’t work at my house, but maybe it does at yours.

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