A Word From Dan Lewis

I’m still out of blog for the next day or two, but Dan Lewis, a long time friend of the site, asked for a few minutes at this microphone to spread the word on hew newly revamped site. Check it out.
It can be very, very difficult it can get your sports thoughts out
there for everyone else to see. Even if you run a successful blog,
you need to invest countless hours keeping your content fresh. And
you need to spend even more time promoting your site. For most
sports fans, the best place to talk sports is at the water cooler.
Today, we launched www.ArmchairGM.com, a site that aims to do the
tough work for you. Your job is simply to report the news, express
your opinion, and add to the ever-expanding pages of sports history
and lore. As much or as little as you want. That’s right — your
job is to do exactly the type of stuff you wanted to do, but couldn’t
find an easy way to do it.
How does it work? Glad you asked.
ArmchairGM.com is the world’s first world-writable sports blog and
encyclopedia. Right now, you can surf over to that site and write an
opinion article, report sports news, or contribute to what we hope
will be the Internet’s most thorough sports encyclopedia. There’s no
registration required. No fees — ever. You do not even have to ask
us for permission. Just go to ArmchairGM.com and start writing.
ArmchairGM.com is built on the MediaWiki platform — the same engine
that powers Wikipedia. We have added some technological improvements
to allow for easy publishing of opinion and news articles. Fans vote
on which news and opinion articles get highlighted on individual
player, team, and league, pages, and of course, on the front page.
And fans can very easily add to the continuing chronicling of sports
knowledge and information.
In effect, ArmchairGM.com is half-blog, half-encyclopedia — and 100%
fan driven. To read more about the site, see
We hope you will find ArmchairGM.com to be as valuable a tool as we
believe it can be. If you have any questions about this project,
please do not hesitate to contact us.

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