Quick Links 6/12/06

*Clarice Feldman at The American Thinker starts the discussion of whether the Haditha “massacre” was a hoax. It’s too early to tell – but of course it hasn’t been too early for potential House Majority Leader John Murtha to pronounce the guilt of all involved in war crimes or for the domestic Left and America’s enemies overseas to sing the same common theme. More here on TIME Magazine’s corrections to its initial story, and a longer roundup and links here.
*At least Republicans pretend to want to limit government spending. The absence of even that pretense is what makes the Dems frightening as stewards of the public purse. Well, that and a 40-year track record as the House majority.
*”Dems slipping in state races”: A USAToday front-pager today on the Democrats’ struggles in governors’ races, prominently featuring Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm and Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle.
*I’ve said it before: Mike Huckabee, New Democrat.
*This may be of some relevance to the ongoing interrogation debate. And of course, Zarqawi read Newsweek (via Taranto) By contrast, Tom Elia asks if the BBC could “actively help the government by passing along coded, top secret information in order to advance the objective of winning a war” as it did in advance of D-Day. In the BBC’s case, it’s even worse – the BBC isn’t just a media organization that heaps scorn on the government and works at cross-purposes to it – it’s one that does so with taxpayer money and the benefits of governmentally sustained monopoly power.
*From my blog (and RedState) to John Fund in one week. Cool.
*Bring it on! I last revisited the ongoing battle between John Kerry and the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth in detail here back in September 2004. Well, in late May, Kerry decided to reopen the battle in the pages of the New York Times, but Thomas Lipscomb is answering in detail, with the first two installments here and here. Read the whole thing – especially, read part two to the last line.
*This is not usually a firing offense (via Bashman)
*The US District Court in Massachusetts, following the lead of the Florida and Massachusetts state bars, disbars F. Lee Bailey. The First Circuit affirms, explaining along the way how the once-prominent criminal defense attorney came to this pass.
*Mac Thomason on the downfall of Roy Moore.
*Mark Steyn on the DC sniper’s admiration for Al Qaeda.
*Leading Democrats’ reactions to Zarqwi’s death – most of them are OK, but Hillary’s otherwise fine reaction is marred by a typically Clintonian urge to personalize the issue:

I saw firsthand the terrible consequences of Zarqawi’s terrorist network when Bill, Chelsea and I visited the hotel ballroom in Amman, Jordan last November where Zarqawi’s followers had detonated a bomb at a wedding party, killing and wounding innocent people.

Because, you know, if a Clinton wasn’t there it didn’t happen.
*Reviews of every stadium, from a blogger who’s visited them all.
*Scott Erickson on Jeffrey Maier:

Pitcher Scott Erickson, who started the game for the Orioles and was in line to get the win before Armando Benitez served up the fateful pitch in the eighth inning to Jeter, said he hopes Maier makes it to the major leagues, “just so I can drill him — I’d like to get one shot at him.”

*Dan Lewis calls on Selig to resign in the wake of the Jason Grimsley story. We should not be surprised at Grimsley’s attitude towards the drug policy. Recall that this is the same guy who confessed to assisting Albert Belle in covering up a corked bat and whose father was a notorious spitballer.
*“The Rocket’s 10th strikeout earned free tacos for the standing-room-only crowd at Whataburger Field.” David Pinto notices something that caught my eye too about Clemens’ performance.