Hype For Hire: Where Are Warner & Brown?

OK, it’s all been good fun following the interesting coincidence of Kos supporting candidates after they hire his friend, co-author and sometime business partner Jerome Armstrong, and watching Kos’ subsequent meltdown trying to contain the damage. But as I have said from the start, the real story here remains Armstrong himself and the revelation that he was – according to the SEC – the paid front man touting a stock whose trading was dominated and controlled by the participants in a classic pump-and-dump scam that cost investors millions. Dan Riehl rounds up more on this story, including what appears to be a rather lame “they didn’t really pay me” defense by Armstrong before he settled with the SEC.
The question of the day is how presidential contender Mark Warner and Ohio Senate candidate Sherrod Brown, both employers of Armstrong, will react to the news of his involvement in such a scam.
To Mark Warner: you are still in the process of introducing yourself to the American people. Is Jerome Armstrong representative of the kinds of people you will appoint to important jobs in your Administration? We’re waiting for your answer.
To Sherrod Brown: are you planning to bring Jerome Armstromng’s ethics to the Senate? If so, how can you say things on your website like this?

We’ve got to put a stop to the pay-to-play system that runs unchecked by Republicans like our current senator Mike DeWine.

The people of Ohio deserve an answer.