Romney Profile

Interesting Mitt Romney profile from the Boston Globe, focusing on the ways in which Romney’s approach bears the scars of the gaffe that destroyed his father’s presidential aspirations. Of course, there’s a real contrast in the 2008 GOP race between Romney (who is rarely unscripted) and George Allen (who shouldn’t go unscripted) on the one hand, and Rudy, McCain and Newt, all of whom can be at their best when riffing off the top of their heads. It’s gonna be an interesting race, regardless of which mix of potential candidates actually end up running viable campaigns.
Reading this part, one is amazed that Romney isn’t more strongly pro-life:

Mitt was a miracle baby. George and Lenore Romney had two girls and a boy, and the doctors had told Lenore she could not carry another. The couple put in papers to adopt a baby from Switzerland. But while the family was vacationing in the Dakotas, Lenore learned she was pregnant, recalls Jane Romney, who was about 9 years old at the time. “Mother was hospitalized immediately. I remember my father’s face – the worry and concern,” Jane says. “I hadn’t seen that before.” Imagine, then, the rejoicing that took place when Mitt was born and Mother was healthy.

I also didn’t know Romney had a law degree.

3 thoughts on “Romney Profile”

  1. Law Degree . . . Harvard Cum Laude.
    However, he had the sense to not practice law!
    He used his Harvard MBA to get into consulting/exectutive leadership and eventially venture capital and CEO.
    That’s a resume I can respect.

  2. He’s got a chance. The media and his opponents will drag up a lot of Rudy’s “unscripted moments” as mayor of NYC. The media have soured on McCain because he is slanting to the right. Gingrich is damaged goods. The Globe plays up Romney’s tailoring his positions on cultural issues, first to get elected in MA, and then to win a primary in SC; but the more Bostonians criticize Romney the more they are helping him to overcome the stigma of being from Massachusetts.
    I thought the article said a lot more about George and his “gaffe” than about Mitt. Even if the point was to give a background to Mitt’s cautiousness, it said way more about George’s “brainwashed” remark than I wanted to know.

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