Estrich to Court: Disqualify Nifong

Susan Estrich is, by any definition, a liberal feminist and naturally inclined to side with rape victims – but she nonetheless concludes what any thinking person must, which is that the Duke rape case is the shoddiest bit of prosecutorial misconduct in recent memory.
Seriously, the evidence we have seen has been so overwhelmingly one-sided for the defense that Perry Mason would watch this trial and think, “damn, I never had a defense this good.” DNA evidence of pretty much everyone but the defendants? Check. Wholly unreliable “victim” contradicted by the only witness in a position to corroborate? Check. One defendant with an ironclad, time-stamped, videotaped alibi? Check. Heck, Nifong shouldn’t just be disqualified, he should be disbarred.

4 thoughts on “Estrich to Court: Disqualify Nifong”

  1. I do not believe in trying cases in the media, but at some point if you ahve a case you ahve to show your cards. Nifong used this case to get reelected and now is caught. If he drops the charges, his political career is over (probably is anyway), so now he has to play it to the end and keep his fingers crossed.

  2. Nifong is a very low form of life. He denied his oath of office, and is in the process of destroying lives for selfish reasons. In the end, the Duke students will probably keep going through hell before coming out having this behind them. Of course, they have to deal with not finishing college, and the Courts will have their say for them, and for the county. Plus Nifong should indeed be disbarred.
    Sounds a lot like Tawana Brawley, doesn’t it?

  3. So what is the recourse of these Duke kids? Can they sue Nifong? It sure sounds like he’s wrecked their lives for personal gain. Where is Jesse Jackson now? Doesn’t he view himself as the beacon of the unjustly accused? Or is that only if you’re a minority? Maybe he’s too busy defending Tookie Williams.

  4. Yes the can sue. Durham definitely, Nifong possibly. KC Johnson has the complete rundown. It’s a shameful episode, will get tossed soon, but that does little for the victims. Nifong picked the wrong boys to mess with. Clearly innocent of the charges, seriously deep pockets. They will destroy him. And rightfully so. KC Johnson website :

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