3 thoughts on “Is That You, Abe?”

  1. Make sure to look at the forensics stuff under the “Authentication” tab.
    I don’t know enough about this sort of thing to say anything intelligent, but I’m persuaded, if not quite convinced.

  2. Lincoln is about the most fascinating person in our history. A trip to Ford’s Theater when in DC is a must. The reaction there is about the same as the one when you approach the Statue of Liberty: one of awe and solemn silence.

  3. I have seen this before and I just don’t buy it. I know these guys are experts and I’ve read a lot of what they’re presenting here before. The pictures simply seem to be of two different people – to me.
    Compare the ears. I don’t care what he says about artificially aging the photos, draining pounds off the younger guy, etcetera. To me, that doesn’t move the ear lobe relative to the corner of the jaw and there’s a huge difference between the 2 photos in that area of the face.

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