Spears’ Razor

Isn’t the simplest explanation for Britney Spears shaving her head that she had some hygiene-related need to do so (the word “lice” comes to mind)? I mean, we’re talking about a woman who rarely appears to have washed her face or hair.

8 thoughts on “Spears’ Razor”

  1. C’mon Crank, don’t let it slide by so easily. We know you wanna go there. So I’ll do it for you . . .
    We all know from recent photos that Britney’s quite familiar with the use of a razor.

  2. ….and besides what Mike said, any picture of Britney’s shaved head is *not* a picture of her shaved….um…

  3. Today’s Post claimed she was going bald in spots due to poor haircare. The 24 hr stay in rehab should be more troubling to anyone who cares about her. That I am aware of these details should be troubling to anyone who cares about me.

  4. It has been also said that this way, hair cannot be used to test for drugs – which I still think some rehab facilities do. And the 24 hour stint was because she was told this, and realized it would become public information – and could be used in her divorce/custody case.
    Of course, there is no reason that I should actually know this. And yet, I do.

  5. Crabs are lice, Mike.
    I thought she might even be undergoing chemo, which would explain some of her other behavior. Rather than watch it fall out in clumps, she just buzzed it.
    Crab lice is a better wild speculation than mine.

  6. Looks like our host was correct. Now I seem to remember some clown was selling the hair on EBay. Whaddya think’s the bid for that mess now that it’s crawling with critters?

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