Your Daily Dose of Glenn Greenwald’s Mendacity

For those of you who may be tempted periodically to take Glenn Greenwald seriously, Patterico has a thorough, detailed and highly specific roundup of his latest breathtaking hypocrisy in attacking conservative bloggers for quoting anonymous comments on lefty blogs (more here from Jeff Goldstein), while QandO catches him in a gross distortion of a 2005 Joe Lieberman quote on Iraq.

One thought on “Your Daily Dose of Glenn Greenwald’s Mendacity”

  1. Greenwald is really bad about this. In fairness, everyone has their blind spots, but I really dislike it when someone has it pointed out in glaring fashion and simply refuses to clean it up. If you check the comment thread at Greenwald’s post you’ll see that his answer is basically “its (blog comments) an important indicator when I say it is and its not when I say it isn’t”.

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