Yes, Virginia (and New Mexico), There Is Such A Thing As Voter Fraud

Stuart Buck notes a DOJ report detailing 95 people charged with voter fraud in the United States between 2002 and 2005, leading to 55 convictions.
And those are just the ones who got caught, and by prosecutors willing to make these difficult cases stick.

2 thoughts on “Yes, Virginia (and New Mexico), There Is Such A Thing As Voter Fraud”

  1. “And those are just the ones who got caught, and by prosecutors willing to make these difficult cases stick.”
    Does that mean that if the DOJ actually got goods on Rove they would have done something? Why, if they did, they might have been fired or who knows what?

  2. I don’t think there is much doubt that voter fraud does sometimes take place, nor that US Attorneys ought to prosecute it. But the administration unilaterally hiring and firing US attorneys over the issue, without any consultation from Congress, would tend to guarantee that such prosecutions are exclusively on one side of the aisle.

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