8 thoughts on “While The Iron Is Hot”

  1. Remember when Pavano was a good pitcher? He has become the posterboy against longterm high dollar contracts.

  2. Crank, I love you but you know what the difference between Yankees and Met fans is-Yankee fans view the Red Sox as their biggest enemy while Mets fans view the Yankees as their biggest enemy. It is really sad and emblematic of all their problems.

  3. Sorry for the off topic, https://www.newsday.com/news/nationworld/nation/ny-usbern0331,0,5452416.story?page=2&coll=ny-top-headlines
    Anyone thinking or discussing Rudy for POTUS is wasting their time. Rudy has a ton of skeletons, but Kerik is a knock out blow. He is trash, and Rudy knew it all along. The party needs to move on.
    On Pavano, he’ll have a monster year. BY Sept he’ll be the Bronx’s beloved # 2 starter. A guy his age, looking at the Meche contract? Yeah, he’ll get it together, looking for 14/15m per after his done in the Zoo.

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