Do Your Homework First

Senators who criticize the Bush Administration for misreading the pre-Iraq War intelligence on WMD really should be embarrassed if they didn’t read the National Intelligence Estimate themselves.
The full, classified report was 90 pages – maybe a bit lengthy for the average citizen to digest even if access wasn’t restricted, but hardly a great burden on the people making the final decision on whether to authorize a war. It’s hard to go around saying that the Executive Branch should have taken a more skeptical look if you didn’t bother to look yourself.

3 thoughts on “Do Your Homework First”

  1. I’m not surprised that Biden read the report, and that most of the others did not. I think it was Colbert who tried to see who among the Congress read The Patriot Act before they voted on it. Let’s not forget that Congressmen are not smarter than the average bear, they just believe they are. Presidents too.
    I would have expected Hillary to have read it though. She is a major policy wonk.

  2. “Senators who criticize the Bush Administration for misreading the pre-Iraq War intelligence on WMD really should be embarrassed if they didn’t read the National Intelligence Estimate themselves.”
    And senators who don’t criticize the Administration and who support the war should be embarassed as well for not reading it.
    Nice (and typical) double standard you apply to everything.

  3. Was the issue really about reading the NIE? I don’t think anyone disagreed about what the NIE said at all. It’s what the NIE DIDN’T say-ie the truth-which is at issue.

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