You Have Been Volunteered To Have Less

Bad economic management leads, predictably, to bad economic results. Which leads political leaders who have been in power too long to blame their predecessors a few commonly used choices:
1. Admit there’s a problem and change course.
2. Blame external enemies.
3. Lie.
4. Beg/borrow/print money to give government handouts.
5. Steal stuff that belongs to rich people and/or foreigners.
Well, actually #1 isn’t all that common. Hugo Chavez, in the course of gradually grinding down Venezuela’s economy, has sampled liberally from the rest of that menu. Now, however, he’s taking a more audacious step to avoid fixing the economy: “demanding” that Venezuelans make do with less, and in the process discouraging consumer demand:

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez told his supporters to give away possessions they do not need such as an extra refrigerator because he only wants true socialists to be members of a new single party he is forming.
“Whoever has a fridge they do not need, put it out in the village square. Whoever has a truck, a fan or a cooker they do not need, give something away. Let’s not be selfish. I demand you do it,” Chavez said at a milk producing cooperative, in remarks released on Monday.
Chavez, who calls capitalism an evil, said he would donate $250,000 of his own money and added, “Let’s see who follows the example.”

At least he didn’t wear a cardigan.

6 thoughts on “You Have Been Volunteered To Have Less”

  1. What a classic example of history repeating itself. Now that incentives to produce have been removed, the shortages of consumer goods result in this ridiculous demand. Unfortunately, what is not given can easily be taken by the constabulary. Here is where our Constitutional right to be secure in our homes is going to stand out like the true beacon of freedom that it is. Socialism is one continual pathetic pattern of societal destruction.

  2. Hugo will learn, hopefully quickly, that doing with less is not a viable human emotion. There is just to much information available today for this policy to last.

  3. You guys are being much too harsh on Chavez!
    He has clearly stated that this is “voluntary”.
    Compare with Hillary Clinton… “We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”
    I happen to think Chavez looks ‘pretty damn good’ in comparison…

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