3 thoughts on “A Jury of One”

  1. Like my eigth grade math teacher, Mr. Dickey, used to say, “figures don’t lie, but liars figure.”

  2. I wouldn’t be surprised if the figure is one in six. A jurors with poor educations can be quite malleable. Some judges have agendas and facts don’t matter. Hello Scooter Libby. I don’t think anyone has ever claimed the system to be perfect, but it is better than many in the world.

  3. I skimmed the study and it does seem like less than scientific methodolgy. Clearly there are errors in the process. Not everyone who is innocent is acquitted and vice versa. I would venture that in this day and age of crossed Ts and dotted Is that far, far more people who have done something illegal go free than the other way around.

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